Watch THIS Before Your Next IVF Cycle

Watch THIS Before Your Next IVF Cycle

I’m here tonight to share three things, that you need to know before undergoing IVF. So, IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is one of the most amazing technological advances in Western medicine. I know, many babies who might not be here without it. If you are one of...
Feet Warming For Infertility

Feet Warming For Infertility

I have heard that it’s important to keep my feet covered and keep myself warm during my two-week wait what weights. Life is important and is it true? Well, it is true that you don’t want your body expending more energy than it needs to. When you can take...
Tristin McLaren, ROAR Fertility Coach

Tristin McLaren, ROAR Fertility Coach

Hi, I’m Tristan from Roar Fertility. I’ve been helping couples have healthy babies for over a decade. I guess you could say my journey into Chinese medicine started when I was just a kid. The first time that I got stung by a stinging nettle. There was...
Ginger Nguyen-Hansen, ROAR Fertility Coach

Ginger Nguyen-Hansen, ROAR Fertility Coach

Hi, My name is Ginger Nuyen-Hansen and I’m a founder of ROAR Fertility. We found at ROAR Fertility because we saw a big need for natural fertility help. There are couples out there that are looking for a natural solution from the very beginning and there are...
How To Vote Swiss Acupuncture

How To Vote Swiss Acupuncture

Hey Guys, Ginger and Sophie here! We’re gonna show you guys how to vote for Swiss acupuncture. So, I sent you guys a link to this very page. You guys are going to come down to the bottom we’re all the way at the bottom. This is the category that you guys...
Recurrent Miscarriages? Watch THIS!

Recurrent Miscarriages? Watch THIS!

So one of our patients had three back-to-back miscarriages and she came to us seeking advice. So, the way we view miscarriages is from a holistic perspective. Generally, miscarriages are not a sign of a local problem but rather a systemic weakness. When the body...