What To Eat For Infertility

So, today we’re going to talk about nutrition. So, this is a really important topic that we wanted to bring because everything that you put into your body is important for fertility. Whether we’re talking about food or what you drink supplements herbs. All of those systems are mechanisms by which the eggs get nourishment as they’re developing prior to ovulation. This is also how the blood gets nourished and supported in order to build up a strong uterine lining. So, when that fertilized egg is ready to implant, everything is in place and there’s lots of nutrition they’re readily available. So, all of these factors will be things that will help you in the long term avoid a miscarriage. So, why is nutrition so important specifically.

For the summer reading array of essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are all important in the the rapid cell division that a fertilized egg undergoes as well as the the rapid growth that this kind of a cell undergoes so, a lot of these particular nutrients are needed one to help in DNA replication which is a big part of egg development. When an egg is fertilized and the DNA needs to replicate. It needs to be clean and not sticky when we have too much stickiness in the legs of the DNA that is when we end up seeing things like chromosomal abnormalities in an embryo which can make it unviable and often results in a lot of miscarriages. So, a way to kind of oversimplify what’s happening in there but to give you a good picture. So, if we imagine my hands are strands of DNA that are replicating when I pull them apart. I want them to be able to come apart smoothly so, nothing’s sticking together. Now let’s say one of my fingers has a big cut on it and there’s a lot of blood and I put my hands together and that one kind of dries and gets sticky want to try and pull my fingers apart. There’s gonna be a little bit of cells from one hand in that blood left on the other hand. Now, when that happens in something as delicate as an egg or a newly fertilized egg then, that can actually result in a big problem.

The other thing that is really important for nutrition and egg development is, that after that eggs fertilized and is traveling into the uterus and and attaching there and everything is growing, the new embryo is growing, the placenta is growing, the umbilical cord is growing, all of that requires a lot of energy. That energy has to be stored inside the egg for all of that time until, that placenta is in place and the baby can start getting nutrients via the mother’s blood. So, all of that time, if there is not enough energy in that embryo for those to support those early weeks then, we might see something like an Arrested Development in an embryo where it suddenly stops growing and often that’s because there’s a lack of energy, a lack of nutrients, there to support the amount of work that has to be done in those early weeks. So, I think we’ve proven that nutrition is clearly a very important part of fertility. But, it’s not simple to know how to eat for fertility and you know, if you’ve been struggling with fertility for a long time you’ve probably been given a lot of advice by maybe your friends or reading books or the internet and after a while sorting through all of that information can begin to feel like an impossible task and I’ll tell you why we’re all unique? We’re all a little bit different our metabolisms are gonna run a little bit differently. The strength of our digestive system is going to be a little different. The normal operating temperature of our body. All of these things factor into the kinds of foods that we need to eat their best for our body to support our optimal nutrition and optimal fertility.

So, when we work with our patients in our fertility program, we look at all of these factors and more. So, we would go through a series of questions with them to get an idea of their individual Constitution type then, we look at some physical observations and things like, their blood pressure and their pulse. All of these things that seem unrelated to nutrition and to fertility actually, give us a lot of information and inform us how you should be eating. So, because there’s so many different factors here. We can’t possibly cover all of the different diets that could be good for fertility or all of the different different types of nutritional needs. It would be a pretty inefficient use of our time and I want to make sure that you get some actionable steps to take with you today. So, if you feel like you’re often finding yourself overwhelmed in this area and feel like you need someone to walk you through exactly what you should be eating. You are welcome to go to our website and book your own personal consultation with us. We can take some time to get to know your story, to learn a little bit more about the struggles that you faced and see if we might be a good partner for you to give you that step-by-step helping hand and make sure that you are on your right nutrition path and overall fertility paths.

By eating healthy it doesn’t have to be complicated but it’s not always easy to do it right on your own right out of the gate. So, before I go over how to contact us. I want to spend some time first going straight to those action steps so, you have some things to start with now. So again, we can’t possibly cover everything that you should eat. So today, I want to talk to you instead about the two most important things for you to remove from your diet right now. So, the very first one is sugar especially refined sugars. so, things like soda pops, baked goods like cookies and donuts, crackers even a lot of crackers will have sugar in them even, some of your seasoning mixes. check those for sources of sugar, salad dressings, marinades, a lot of those will be sweetened and granola and breakfast cereals and also that can be hidden sugars found in your health food bars or the health food shakes and smoothies. So, look for things like, but no high fructose corn syrup or even just corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, any of those things that end with oats. Those are all going to be some kind of sugar. I’m not going to go over all of them because it’s very there’s a lot of them and it’s very easy for you to go to the bull and print out a list to take with you. But, it’s definitely something to be reading your labels about hidden sources of sugar in the United States actually, risen our average intake of sugar to about 150 pounds of sugar per year, per person, if we go back to pre-modern times.

The average intake per year, per person would have been probably less than 5 pounds and that would have really only been from fruits and no certain root vegetables. So, you’ve probably heard that sugars bad for you I’m sure this isn’t new, but why is sugar bad for fertility? In taking too much sugar causes systemic wide inflammation and this is bad for implantation as well as the overall health of the egg. A lot of taking in too much sugar will thicken your blood and if the blood is thick, we’ve talked about this a few times in this series already. But, if the blood is too thick, it’s not gonna be able to adequately nourish the eggs as they’re growing during that stage before ovulation and you’re also not going to be able to develop as healthy of a uterine lining. Metabolizing sugar actually requires a large amount of vitamins and minerals. If we’re having to constantly use those resources to metabolize sugar, we are actually taking away from what everyone needs. So, when the or when the egg is developing in the ovary still and we’re using all of those resources for metabolism rather than developing a healthy full egg.

The second thing to take out of your diet now, this trans fats also called hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils. These particular products they disrupt the normal shape and function of the cell wall. So, you might remember from biology class that a cell wall is made up of phospholipids and essential fatty acids. When we replace the normal healthy fatty acids with trans fats, we can actually see disruptions in that cell wall that caused it to become thick and tough. When that happens it’s very difficult for our nutrients to get in and out of a cell and if that’s happening cell wide, the nutrition available for developing uterine lining and growing a healthy egg is going to be minimized. So, sources of trans fats these are going to be or butter replacement products like margarine, your non-dairy coffee creamers will have a large amount of of trans-fats. Baked goods that you purchase from a store and some bakeries often that will have trans fats, potato chips even crackers, again dressings and marinades. Vegetable oils used to deep-fry are also another big sources so, be sure again here that you’re checking your labels. So, these are the top two things and I want you to work on taking out of your diet. Now, removing these offending foods along with getting started on a fertility diet that is appropriate and custom-made for you, will be a big part of your fertility journey. So, I want to get back to how you can contact us, if you are feeling a little bit overwhelmed about where you should start eating to craft your optimal fertility diet.

If you would like to get in touch with us, you can visit us at www.RoarFertility that’s RoarFertility.com and in the upper right hand corner, you will see a button to schedule your breakthrough call you just take the time that works for you. Fill out a little form to give us some background information on what you’ve been going through and what’s brought you in to talk to us and then we will be in touch at that time and we’ll collect some information from you and see, if we might be able to partner with you to help you on your journey.

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