So, I know you’re here because the conventional way of thinking about fertility has not worked for you and you’re looking for another way to give you a breakthrough and ultimately a baby. So here’s the conventional way of thinking about infertility so, you try and you realize that you can’t get pregnant and you go to the doctor and you’re on lab work and tests and he’ll put you into or she will put you into one of three categories. If there are abnormal findings you get a diagnosis that includes though am age and other hormone imbalances, it could mean PCOS and cysts and what that means is that those specific things in your body are abnormal but everything else is normal. Now, we know that that might not be true because everything in your body is connected or you’re going to be put into category 2 where there are no findings, If you’re under 35 you’re diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
In category 3, there are no findings and you’re over 35 and In that case you’re diagnosed with advanced age or both advanced age and unexplained infertility. If you’re in category 1 and there are findings to a medical diagnosis, there may be a solution for you and those solutions could be surgery or meds and if there isn’t recommend for you to keep on trying to conceive or you move directly to IUI or IVF because some diagnosis apparently can only be circumvented via more aggressive methods. If there are no findings such as an unexplained infertility cases, they’ll tell you to keep on trying or try IUI or sometimes they’ll rush you straight to IVF and this is the old way of thinking guys.
There is no clear path no matter what diagnosis whether you have a diagnosis or not no diagnosis there are just all different options that you have to choose from to circumvent the problems and then there’s of course that that tendency to push for more aggressive treatments. Your doctors will give you one of these options. A, you can do IVF IUI or fertility meds or you can try to expect on your own keep on trying with or without changes and all of those have failed. You can try a more extreme method which include Donor Egg Sperm or Embryo or Surrogacy. So, if you are unable to get pregnant, your body has shut down your fertility and what your body is saying is that, there is only enough to survive but there’s not enough to spare for some physical function that is not prioritized, that doesn’t help keep you alive. Your body’s number-One concern is to keep you alive.
To make sure your heart has enough nutrients to come 24/7. To make sure your livers detoxifying at all times so that you can filter out all the toxins that could be dangerous. Your body may have to digest excessively. Especially, if you’re eating a diet that is hard to digest and that can take a lot of your life energy. Your body has to deal with daily stressors which can pump your body with stress hormones such as, Adrenaline which again has to be processed by delivering. So many things that your body has to do. If it doesn’t have enough, there’s no way there’s room for a function that is not prioritized such as fertility you will realize that in the next few decades, there will be a trend, there will be a huge shift toward natural solutions to all sorts of medical problems.
People are going to realize that lifestyle and nutrition is harming us and that the way we approach illness isour modern that we have been throwing a bandaid on things and while sometimes, it is very necessary it isn’t always the best for us especially for more chronic problems. Someone’s got a Migraine, experts may say, let’s look at the head alone. Right, we’ll run an MRI if we cannot find anything and it’s normal. There may just be a pill to manage the migraines and by the way you have to take that pill for the rest of your life Right, someone has high blood pressure. Let’s put you in a blood pressure medicine for the rest of your life, if we instead look at why the body is producing migraines and high blood pressure or abnormal hormone levels, we can get more insight on what we can do to normalize those levels taking for fertility medicine sometimes while, it is necessary IUIs and IVFs.
You know, we are all blessed with those options but those options first, they’re not a best choice for you and your family and sometimes even if you use them first or last they may not even work. So, forcing your body to ovulate and produce eggs, it’s like taking from an empty bank account. There’s not enough nutrients and health to ovulate so, your body shuts it down. Now, if you’re going to borrow money to force the body to do something that it wasn’t naturally willing to do. Well, you can see why those meds sometimes fail. Sometimes, you have enough to pay back the bank just in time to get another loan and to pull more out of the body and sometimes you don’t and well, if you don’t you see how we can go get into like a snowball debt. If you keep on borrowing from that body that’s going to lead to disappointment over and over ask you, you know take away from it.
So, if everything has failed what’s next. It could be resignation or it could be a new way, you could try the new way that will be popularized in the next few decades. We want to figure out what your body needs and we want to be kind to it. We want to replenish it with an abundance of exactly the nutrients that have been lacking in the body so that, your body can replenish. If one branch of your tree is not working, it’s because you don’t have enough for the entire tree so, it’s going to deprioritize certain branches that are not going to help you survive right. So, the new way of thinking, the new way of looking at fertility looks something like this. So, you try to get pregnant and you realize that you can’t conceive so, you go to someone that can look at your whole system and know exactly what to give you to improve your overall health and lifestyle and what little symptoms that you have and what they really indicate. You may have a tendency to always feel the hot or you may have a tendency to always feel cold. You may constantly be tired, you may have terrible PMS or irregular cycles. Your symptoms tell the whole story.
When we improve overall health, you cycles and your cycles get regulated and most if not all of your symptoms may improve and eventually fertility gets turned back on because there is enough. So in the new way of thinking there is one clear path and that’s getting your fertility function back to do what it’s supposed to do. If for some reason, the new way doesn’t work only then would we recommend Plan B, which is the old conventional way of thinking which is forcing the body to do something that it naturally isn’t. The old way has aggressive options to circumvent the problem and no clear path and the new way has one to your path and that’s aiding the body to get to to do what it’s supposed to do. So, you can open up your possibilities by thinking differently by being unstoppable and pursuing your baby dream and not believe everything that conventional medicine says without analyzing yourself if that really is the truth. If the old conventional way has failed you over and over, why not try the new way of thinking and s new system to get new results and this principle by the way it doesn’t just apply to fertility, it applies it’s a universal principle that you can apply to anything that you want to accomplish in life.
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