Maximize your statistics
Research is showing that optimizing nutrition, taking the right supplements and herbs, and participating in appropriate levels and types of exercise to meet the individual needs of each patient may lead to better outcomes in ART cycles. However, helping patients find the right nutrition, supplements, exercise or herbs is time consuming, and keeping them motivated to stick to their care plan can be even more demanding.
The ROAR Fertility Reset Program is designed to address all these needs and more as your patients prepare to work with you to get pregnant and have their baby. Our team is comprised of licensed, nationally board certified healthcare professionals who have been supporting couples through the fertility journey for over a decade, including training specifically intended to help coach our clients to stay on track to maximize the benefits for their fertility health.
To most effectively support the improvement of fertility health, we design a customized plan for each woman or couple based on their individual case history and health status. Though not every client is a good match for our program, we have had the privilege to assist couples with a variety of fertility diagnoses undergoing a wide range of procedures and protocols and over that time, we have identified what has been the most successful to help improve outcomes.
When women or couples improve their health first, their ART success may dramatically improve and that means more happy families and better outcomes for everyone. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help your patients achieve even better results and reach their health targets.