How To Boost Sperm Quality Naturally

What do we do, when the male partner has some sperm abnormality issues or low count. Some sperm parameters for fertility have dropped over about the last 30 years or so since, things like IVF and IUI have come into more prominent practice. We’re seeing a lot of changes in, what fertility clinics are considering normal for sperm parameters. So, let’s take baby sperm morphology, which is the appearance of the sperm. what, what the head looks like and is the tail in the right place and does it doesn’t make the rate movements in order to help the sperm get to the egg. In the 1980s and prior morphology was generally recommended to be at over eighty percent. So, over 80% of sperm had to look good in order to be considered, a normal healthy male specimen. About ten or fifteen years ago, they dropped that number to around 18% and now the current, what’s considered to be normal for fertility or okay, to work with is only at four percent.

So, why are we seeing this change? Are we just saying that it is, it’s sperm quality is dropping and we are just going to accept that, as it’s inevitable. It’s just the way that things are going to go or we seeing a change and sperm, hope is this something that’s new in the population or has it always been there we just weren’t looking. You know all of these things are true. Sperm, sperm quality probably is dropping in the population for many reasons. The same reasons that, we’re seeing more chronic health conditions and other changes in health status in our society, but I think the other reason why specifically fertility clinics are able to work with these numbers of 4% morphology, is because really, the sperm is not as important as the egg. Men have a bit of an advantage in that they in a fairly healthy sperm sample. They have millions of sperm. Women in a normal woman gets one egg per month, one egg per cycle. So, that super-healthy egg can compensate for sperm that is subpar. So, you know everybody says that sperm is half of the, half of the equation and of course, it is and we want that sperm to be as healthy as possible, the healthier the sperm, the better the pregnancy rates, the better the pregnancy and the healthier the baby. But, we also an overcome sperm that is is not stellar by making sure that we have the best possible egg that we can work with. If you are one of those lucky ladies who had a male partner, who does want to work on his sperm health whether he has low quality or not, even if it’s not low quality, we can always improve it.

Right, we can always improve our health and improving our health is going to improve everything in the reproductive organs. There’s a few things that you could help him do. The first one of course is diet. Diet affects hormones. We know that there’s no way around it, what we eat translates into how our body works. One of the most important things that he can do is kind of this sugar intake. Especially, things like soda, the energy drinks those have to go reducing alcohol intake. Alcohol has placed a couple of different roles in how the health of our body is and especially, when it comes to the reproductive organs because it has an effect on blood circulation. It converts to sugar in the body. So, it’s going back to that cutting the sugar out and it increases inflammation within the body. So, if you can get him to at least reduce his alcohol intake that will help you make tremendous gain on getting healthier sperm. Body weight, we know that obesity leads to increased estrogen within the body and an out of balance estrogen and testosterone ratio, which is exactly the opposite of what we need the hormones to be doing to increase fertility. You know we want to lower our estrogen and increase testosterone on the male most of the time.

So, you know the healthy diet, the cutting the sugar that’s all going to go towards that and you know really helping him get into a healthy committed exercise routine and the other big area that you can make big strides and if there is any recreational drug use or smoking that needs to stop. We know that these things affect reproductive organs. We know that they affect sperm, they affect eggs, they affect the uterus, they affect blood flow, they’ve effects everything in the system and if you’re trying to make a baby this is not creating a healthy environment. Those are some really important things to just get out of the lifestyle, get out of the habit and whatever you need to do to make those changes. If your male partner is on prescription medications and you haven’t done so already, it might be a good time to go and meet with his doctor and see, if any of the medications that he’s taking may have negative impacts on sperm or negative impacts on blood circulation. If it’s impacting blood circulation and it is just by nature are going to impact this firm. So, if he’s on anything that’s prescribed and sit down with his doctor and see, if maybe there’s other options, If it’s an if it’s not a life-threatening condition. He may have other alternative options that he can turn to as well.

We have worked with with couples who’ve been in this situation, where we’ve been able to actually get the male partner off of medications and move into more supplementation and herbal medicine support, nutrition support to make that transition happen and just get them onto a better path overall for their entire life becoming a dad. So, that sums up our talk today on exogenously hormones, taking birth control or progesterone things like that and some things too to know about sperm count and how important it is and things to do to improve it. So, if any of you think that you and/or your partner could benefit from more information and you really feel like you’re ready to take it to the next level and committed to getting yourself healthy so that you can have that healthy baby instead of just getting pregnant, reach out to us. You can find us on our website, it’s that’s RoarFertility.Com. While you’re there, you will also see a tab in the upper right where you can book a free call and we’d love to have your partner, join us as well on that call and we can help help you uncover some of the underlying causes that might be causing your struggles with fertility and you know maybe we’ll be able to serve you further on your journey to help both you and your partner have that healthy baby.

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