How Old Is Too Old To Have A Baby?

I’m over 40. Can you help me or am I too late? Well, a woman’s age is a significant factor in fertility. However, there’s a big difference between chronological and biological age. Your chronological age is based on the number of times you’ve been around the Sun. However, your biological age is how much wear and tear your body truly has had. Biological age is something that can be adjusted. So, we have patients up to age 44, but there have been numerous women who have gotten pregnant up to the age of 50. So, what that means is that as long as you have your regular periods. You can technically still get pregnant. So, when somebody says that you’re too old to get pregnant what they really mean is that based on statistics based on outdated statistics you can’t get pregnant. But, that does not mean that based on individual analysis that you could still get pregnant.

The more important question then advanced age is are you healthy enough overall to get pregnant and to maintain a pregnancy safely. We have 20 year olds coming in here who are in poor shape and we also have older advanced age patients who are in amazing shape. So, the reason why it’s easier to get pregnant when you are younger is because your body hasn’t had a lot of time to accumulate wear and tear. So, my tip is focused on your overall health and your biological age not your number.

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