How Healthy Is Your Menstrual Cycle? Part 2 of 3

Welcome back! I’m Tristan from Roar Fertility and we are here today with part two, of how healthy is your menstrual cycle. Today, we’ll be talking about what a normal menstrual cycle looks looks like. The last time we talked about, why it’s important to track your cycle and how it can help inform us about the overall health of your fertility. If you missed it, go back and look for the video titled, learn how to track your menstrual cycle. Today, we’re gonna cover what a healthy menstrual cycle looks like. So, you can identify if your cycle matches what we’re going to describe today. So, the first thing that’s important to evaluate is the overall length of the menstrual cycle.

So, we want to look for a cycle that’s between 26 and 31 days. Anything shorter than 26, is going to be too short for optimal fertility, anything over 31 it’s going to be too long. if the cycle is either too short or too long, that’s telling us that probably the quality of the blood flow, the quality of the blood, the circulation, and the balance of the hormones might not be in balance. That’s an area that will probably need to be addressed, in order to optimize the length of that cycle. We also want to look for a cycle that that recurs regularly, if your cycle is not recurring within about a three-day window so maybe 27 to 30 days is your normal cycle length. If you’re outside of that window of time maybe you have a 40 day cycle sometimes and a 23 day cycle other times that also indicates a problem with the length of your cycles.

The next thing we want to track in a cycle is Ovulation Timing so, that should happen between cycle days 13 to 16. If it’s happening too early, the egg might be a little bit too immature and that can be very difficult for a sperm to penetrate. If it’s too late, the egg might already be deteriorating before Aidan sperm, even meat. So, if you think of picking an apple off of an apple tree, if you pick an apple that’s not quite right when you bite into it, it’s going to be very sour and it’s gonna have a tough skin and be hard to chew. If, on the other hand you pick an apple up off the ground that’s a little bit overripe, it’s going to mushy and the flavor is going to be really lacking. When you find the perfect Apple, it’s just right, it’s going to be firm and crisp, but it’s not going to be tough. It’s going to happen bright a brightness to, it it’s going to be full of flavor and it’s going to be juicy. So, that is what we’re looking for with your ovulation for it to be that perfect ripe Apple. The second half of the menstrual cycle, the luteal phase should last about 12 to 14 days after ovulation. So, this is the time from ovulation to when the period starts. If it’s shorter than that that might indicate a blood quality issue or a hormone imbalance and if it’s longer than that same thing although generally, we see those err on the shorter side.

Now, the start of the period contrary to what you might believe should actually be easy. If the blood should flow freely there shouldn’t be like she’s little to no spotting, little to no pain or cramps or other symptoms like, low back pain, headaches, breast pain, mood swings and irritability. Periods are actually not supposed to come with this whole bag of fun that we’ve been led to believe are a normal part of periods. So, if you have a lot of signs like that that indicates that there are some underlying conditions, that are causing some imbalances in the overall system. So, the period itself, we want that to be about 3 to 6 days of good flow. If it’s too short, we’re going to be looking for moving on enough blood or the the strength of the flow might actually be too fast. If the the period itself is less than three days, then we’re going to be, sorry, I longer than six days indicating that it’s the flow is too long. We’re going to be looking at maybe how to speed that cycle up that flow up, if it’s too slow and sluggish or we’re going to be evaluating the quality of the blood. It might be that the blood is too thick, there’s too much clotting or the the shedding of the lining from the uterine wall, is not happening completely and smoothly.

So, Both of the main areas to be focused on for evaluating, if your menstrual cycle is healthy enough. We want to know the overall timing and is it occurring regularly, we want to know when in the cycle ovulation is happening. We want to know how long the luteal phase is and we want to know, how long and how strong the period itself is. So, that wraps it up for today. Next time, we will discuss how to know if you need to get help regulating your menstrual cycle. If you’re feeling like any of this normal menstrual cycle is not sounding like you. You are welcome to check out more information on our website. Maybe get in touch with us so, we can talk a little bit more about how we can maybe help you fix some of the underlying problems that may be leading to your fertility.

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