I have been getting acupuncture trying to conceive for several months now with no look. What do you suggest? Well, as Chinese medicine practitioners who have acupuncture as part of our scope of practice, we are asked this question all the time. Acupuncture is only one part of Chinese medicine and for something like infertility, which is an internal medicine problem. It’s not really one of the keystone methods that we generally use. It’s not a method that’s going to resolve underlying problems, when the problem starts from the internal body. With acupuncture, we can adjust make adjustments using the needles to what’s already available within the body. But, we can’t build resources, we can’t nourish tissues, we can’t improve a quality with just needles alone. So, since most cases of infertility are actually in the internal medicine problem that need to be addressed at the level of the blood and the health of yourselves. It requires taking treatments to a bit of a higher level.
So, how do we know this? Well, when we first started supporting women with infertility, we did a lot more acupuncture than what we do now. We used to both to help women try to conceive naturally and also in supporting IVF transfers IUI is different assisted reproductive technology type treatments. But, we found we weren’t always getting the results that we were really looking for, when we got into this work. So, we started changing our treatment method to more fully encompass, everything that we had to offer meaning. We decided to stop just doing acupuncture to our patients and, instead we started working in ways to empower them to truly restore their into truly restore their fertility and with that we found dramatic improvements in the results. It was the kind of medicine that we were trying to provide for our patients. So, after over a decade now of working in focusing primarily on infertility.
We find, acupuncture is a great therapy to incorporate into an overall treatment plan, but for most cases of infertility acupuncture alone is not going to be the primary method that we rely on to help our patients and in fact, some of our patients don’t even get acupuncture at all. Instead, we focus on getting them healthy. We hope them identify what hasn’t been working for their fertility and instead, we empower them to get on a path that will be effective at restoring fertility health and resolving the underlying issues. So, what is the big takeaway in regard to a key function for fertility? Well, acupuncture is a great compliment to help fertility, when it’s used within a whole systems approach. That’s focused on restoring fertility through internal medicine, which is what’s truly needed to make a full shift in fertility outcomes.
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