Balancing Hormones With The Fertility Pyramid

So, we’ve had a lot of questions lately about hormone imbalances. Of course, that’s a huge part of the fertility journey for most people there is going to be if not unexplained then some hormonal component to what will be happening in the fertility journey. So, I want to bring a little bit of some foundational information to you today on how you should be looking at balancing hormones and what are some of the things that you need to do first before you get to the point of really zeroing in on hormones. When hormones are out of balance whether that’s FSH, LH, Estrogen, Progesterone, it doesn’t really matter which hormone we’re talking about. Before, we can start to address that, these foundations really have to be in place first. So, we call this our fertility pyramid and going through all of the different levels of the pyramid. First is, what’s going to help you build that strong foundation in order to help balance out those hormones.

Now, none of the things that I’m going to show you on this pyramid in and of themselves are going to be a single cause for infertility or a single cause for your hormone imbalance. But, all of them as a group need to be addressed and without starting at the bottom of that pyramid and really having that base built to have first, you’re not going to ultimately have the success that you want to have. So, let’s get to the pyramid. So, the first thing that we always want people to have in place, before they start looking at how to balance their hormones, is to have a system and have support. Because, there’s a lot of steps toward getting to the point of having more balanced hormones and if you don’t have a system in place and then you don’t have the support system set up, in order to keep you accountable and keep you moving forward and keep you holding on to that dream, the next level of steps that you’re going to do are going to be that much harder. You need some kind of system to guide you toward the top of the pyramid. It’s not easy to get to that apex.

There’s a lot of things that are going to have to be in place first, if you’re struggling with fertility and the other key component to that is having support from people who are gonna make sure that you’re staying on track, that are gonna make sure if you are feeling like things are out of control or you’re getting to a point of feeling really frustrated that you’re gonna have people who are there to catch you and to help you get back on track as quickly as possible. The further you fall out of your system the the harder it’s going to be to get back on track and ever get to that point of the apex. So, having a system that’s organized, that’s going to get you there step by step and keep you on track and having the support people there to help keep you accountable to staying on track that’s always going to be the foundation that we want to put in place for people first.

The next thing that we find to be very important before we ever get to balancing hormones, is to make sure that that nervous system is in check. You know we know that people going through the fertility, a fertility journey are already going to be under stress because the fertility journey is very stressful and then on top of that we have all of our regular life stress work and family if you have other children that you’re caring for there’s a lot of work that goes into keeping all of those parts of our life going and moving forward. Fertility is built on a foundation of hormones and blood circulation and both of these areas are highly impacted by the nervous system. If you are constantly in a go go go always having to get more done than what you have time for you’re gonna be in a state of sympathetic dominance, sympathetic overdrive and that it can be detrimental to fertility over the long term. So, finding a system that is going to help you take time every day to balance out, the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system. If we’re only allowing time for that parasympathetic nervous system to really be able to have time to take action and to help the body manage those other half of the aspects that that the nervous system needs to stay keep our body healthy and balanced. If we’re only getting into that state on weekends or when we’re on vacation, we are constantly taking away from the nervous.

So guys, this becomes really really important. We tend to kind of put it off to the side and go straight to the top of the pyramid straight to thinking about the hormones and what do we do to directly impact the hormones without taking into account the entire system of the body. So, you know if you know ways to know, if you’re constantly in sympathetic overdrive are, if you know you know that you’re in that go-go-go lifestyle and you feel like you need to take naps during the day because you keep hitting walls but then by the time. It’s time to go to bed even if you haven’t taken naps. You get that kind of wired feeling at night and you can’t really shut your brain off and you can’t get it get to sleep at night. If you can’t get out of bed in the morning, if you find you’re having to caffeinate in the morning or caffeinate continually throughout the day. These are all big red flags that your nervous system is already way out of balance and needs to be addressed before you can start to work on other bigger things that are directly related to fertility.

The third thing that we always want to make sure people are focused on is then eating for fertility. Once we have the nervous system functioning a little bit better. We also want to make sure that the proper nutrients are in the system. You know, these two balancing the nervous system and getting the proper nutrition. You know where exactly these two go in the pyramid. They kind of go a little bit hand-in-hand because there’s a lot of nutritional components that the nervous system needs to have in order to stay balanced and if you’re not getting those nutrients on a daily basis, that also can cause the nervous system to go out of balance. But, when it comes to eating for fertility, you know we tend to have an incorrect thought pattern about what’s what’s healthy eating here in. You know, in the Western world what is generally considered healthy is not always what’s the healthiest for fertility. So sometimes, we need to kind of course correct a little bit on that in order to make sure that we are doing everything that we can for those reproductive organs.

The other thing that I want to talk about on this particular area, the eating for fertility and nutritional balance. We tend to look at eggs and sperm. We tend to get hyper focus on the DNA and think that, if the DNA is what’s not healthy that’s what’s going to impact whether or not we can have a healthy embryo and you know a lot of times early pregnancy loss or or if you’re going through IVF and you have eggs that fertilized, but they don’t develop or a lot of them tend to drop off and you end up with less fertilized eggs and embryos to transfer than eggs that were retrieved. We tend to put the fault of that on to the DNA and you know, we are commonly led to believe that it’s the DNA that’s faulty when most of the time, I would say over 90% of the time that is not the case, it’s not the DNA itself, it’s the nutrients that allow the DNA to function, that allow the egg and sperm to activate the replication that’s required. Nobody is talking about how important these nutrients are.

We know that there are nutritional activators for helping the sperm to penetrate the egg, for helping that fertilized egg to start the process of cell division. You know those nutritional factors have to be in the egg and in the sperm in order for this whole process to start. The DNA is the least of the problem, if those nutritional factors are not there to begin with. There’s no way that that egg is going to have the energy or the capacity to develop into a full embryo or if it does develop into a full embryo to continue to develop to develop into a fetus. You know, there’s some culinary research that’s starting to be done. A few people are kind of looking at how important some of these nutritional components are, but it’s not research that’s being pushed a lot yet. We kind of tend to jump to the top of the pyramid in the way, that we approach fertility which is common in our health care system in general, is to kind of go directly to the problem and forget about the foundation and you know ultimately, that’s going to lead to you know not getting to that successful point to not getting the baby because we haven’t built the foundation and we have this apex that’s kind of tilting on the top of this pyramid and never really getting to having this strong full potential built up in order to really support an optimal embryo and optimal fetus and a whole healthy pregnancy so that you can get to that healthy baby.

So, the last part here of course, is then when all oft hese systems are in place, we can get to the point of balancing hormones. Now for the clients that we work with we tend to choose the path of herbs to get to this point, if you know all of these other systems are in place then the last thing that we want to focus on is the balancing of the hormones and that’s where we find herbal medicine to be completely supportive of this aspect. This is, you know when we work with herbal medicine versus conventional pharmaceutical medications. We are looking at helping the body to rebalance its own hormones. So, when you know a system is in place and the nervous system is being balanced and the nutritional components are there, we just go in with a little bit of herbal medicine to help really fully support that system. You know, humans have developed with we’ve evolved with plant medicine as our primal form of medicine and wild plants has really a primal form of food for our whole evolution. It hasn’t really been until modern day that
we have stopped incorporating these more intensely flavored foods that now we think of and reserved for herbal medicine as something that our body actually relies on and depends on, in order to maintain balance and maintain

So, you know that’s the method that we choose, we know that some people are gonna go on to choose more of a pharmaceutical route, whatever route that you end up choosing you want to make sure that you’re working with somebody who is experienced in balancing hormones through whatever method that you’re choosing. Because you know you can break things into balance, if you know what you’re doing and if you’re taking the wrong things and don’t know what you’re doing. You can easily throw things out of balance as well. So, you do want to be really careful whether you’re doing herbs, you know we think of natural medicines as being safer, but we still can’t throw things out of balance if we are kind of just trying to play with things on her own and self-diagnose and try and figure things out without the guidance of somebody who who is trained and experienced in this area. So, that sums it up for our fertility pyramid you know, making sure that you have that system and in a whole support team in place, making sure that you are absolutely addressing your nervous system, getting those nutritional components that are maybe super important for activating your fertility, for activating the egg and the sperm and making sure that that’s all replication that the division of all of the parts of your future baby are happening as they should and then finally you know, getting all of these pieces in place it’s gonna bring a lot of this hormone balance in line in and of itself. You’ll find things like your periods are going to be easier.

They’re gonna be more regular PMS symptoms are gonna go away you know, bloating digestive symptoms, those are gonna resolve headaches all of that stuff’s gonna resolve, if you’re putting all of these pieces into place first and then bringing in some final components to finish balancing out those hormones. So, I hope this gives you guys a little bit of a path and and some insight into, how we look at things when we are helping people balance out their fertility, how we work with our clients. The ways that we can put a system in place for them to follow to make all of these things happen naturally for them. You know, in the end, if they’re sticking to the system, we’re offering support for them. They find that you know their fertility health, their periods everything is feeling so much better, feeling happier, they’re feeling more energetic, more vitality, their sleep is better. you know it makes a big difference to start at the bottom, start at the foundation and build things up from there rather than jumping straight to that balancing of the hormones.

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